Passion & Experience:

The Perfect Recipe

Hi, I’m Molly. Thanks for popping by to learn more about Sprig + Plate!

Growing up, I always had an eye for design, a knack for working with my hands and a passion for making delicious food. In high school, my favorite class was visual arts, but at the time I thought, “What the heck does someone do with a visual arts degree?” So, off I went to college and decided to be more practical with my career ambitions.

In 2002, I graduated from Indiana University with a business degree and was grateful to quickly find gainful employment, especially during a tumultuous economic time for our country. Over the next decade, I moved from retail to banking, and then to marketing, where I spent the majority of my career. But the truth was, none of these career paths fulfilled me. I knew there was something more, but I didn’t know exactly what it was. 

While I was working in corporate America, I picked up a side hustle doing meal prep for a handful of clients. A full year into meal prepping, a client asked me to make a “meat and cheese board” for an event. Although I had never made one before, I had been hosting parties for years, so I said yes. Instantly, I loved it. It was as though the creativity within me that had been lying dormant suddenly awoke from a long slumber. Before I knew it, I was designing charcuterie boards every week for events of all sizes.

In 2016, Sprig + Plate was born, and I have never looked back. Today, I combine my experience in business with my passion for visual arts and food. I like to call it, “art you can eat.” When you work with me and the team at Sprig + Plate, you can always rest assured that something beautiful and delicious will be prepared for your special event.

Nothing brings me more joy than helping my customers shine. Ready to impress your guests without the stress? Check out our grazing boards or reach out to us below.

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